Boy Nofianus, S.H., LL.M
Boy Nofianus obtained his law bachelor’s degree from the University of Indonesia, Jakarta, in 2007. After graduating, he spent his early career as a lawyer in one of the top-tier law firms for more than five years handling various corporate transactions (among others, Mergers & Acquisitions and Capital Markets) and commercial litigation cases. He also served his country by joining the Indonesian Commission for the Eradication of Corruption (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi) as a criminal investigator for more than six years handling many high-profile cases of corruption and money laundering offences. His knowledge and experience in corporate and litigation matters make him a lawyer who could understand and provide clients with more legal insights and feedback. Boy has been recognised as a young leading legal practitioner with the 2023 Most-Recommended Lawyer – In-House Counsel Choice award by Hukum Online.
Educations: LL.B., University of Indonesia, LL.M. in Global Criminal Law University of Groningen the Netherlands
Memberships: Indonesian Bar Association (PERADI).